I presented about Automated Deployment at Auto Trader for a DevOps Edinburgh meet up on Monday 7th December at the Skyscanner offices in Edinburgh. Here are the slides for my talk, which covers
- Auto Trader’s deployment history
- Our project which delivered control of deployment to developers
- What we learned from the experience
- Our in-progress product which will be the future of deployment at Auto Trader
- Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation
- The Twelve-Factor App
- Scaling Agile @ Spotify
- Chef DK
- Berkshelf
- Go CD
Image credits:
- Gareth Mok for the awesome Bitstrip cartoons
- Squads and Tribes diagram
- Thomas Heald for the Release Dashboard
- XKCD for the ‘Compiling’ webcomic
- Panic Button